Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Day in the Life of Redmond

Hey-o! So I've had some questions about a "typical" day for Redmond.

We usually let the boys out around 7(ish)am and they use the morning coolness to wrestle and get warmed up for the day. They eat and then we usually hang out or go play fetch.

Quick detour here, and then back to our planned programming. Redmond is a dog vacuum when it comes to food..he can eat it as fast as your pour, so I've been avoiding giving him raw-hides because I'm scared he will swallow them whole and choke. I mention this because I know they are a popular treat. He loves squeaky toys, rope toys, tennis balls and knuckle bones though, so there's plenty of other options! 

So back to our day. I'm typically home majority of the day, and Ryan comes home not long after I head off to work. So Redmond and Scout have free reign of the house during the day. Even when we are both gone, Redmond is not kenneled and he is very, super trustworthy!

The boys get a nightly walk and a game of fetch (well Redmond fetches, Scout just tries to chase Red...) and then bedtime is usually around 10:30. Redmond is crated at night - it's just the routine we got into when we first brought him home, and we have stuck with it. He is crate trained and knows "go to bed." However, he will make a bit of a fuss if you tell him to go to bed, but stay up later..he just wants to be with you! When it's lights out, he settles and sleeps quietly through the night.

Redmond isn't typically by himself for more than 6-8 hours before someone comes home to give him a potty break. He does pee quite frequently, so a home where someone can let him out for a bathroom break during their lunch hour would be ideal.

This boy loves the outdoors, but likes cuddles too much to be an outdoor only dog. Red-man has learned that the spoiled life looks good on him! He will also love you if you let him lay in your lap on the couch - we don't let him on the furniture because some people frown upon that, but that hasn't stopped him from trying...and it doesn't help that his foster brother gets away with it!

He will need daily exercise - walks, runs, fetch, hikes, etc... just something to stretch those long legs!

Redmond has gotten along with all the other furr-babies we've met, but would do just as well as an only dog. He loves to play but is just as happy to chomp on a toy while laying near you!   

We introduced Redmond to some youngsters this weekend and the meet and greet and he did well with them, so we think he will do fine with kids; but as always all family members must be present during the meet and greet before he can be adopted!

Keep asking questions and checking in with us for updates! We love hearing from you all and showing off Redmond!


  1. Thank you so much. This is just wonderful. He is such a handsome boy! He sounds like our kind of dog. I use to train IED dogs, so I really have a soft spot for a boy like him since life has settled down for us finally. :) Thank you for this great explanation and update.

    1. Will you please e-mail me at! I'm really excited about your interest and if y'all are serious I would like to help you through (and expedite) your application process! We are still a small organization so sometime applications get processed a little slow, but I can help push it through so you all can meet Redmond sooner :)

  2. Hoping to meet Red at the next meet n greet! He's a cutie pie, and may be a good fit for our out-doorsey lifestyle. We do have a kitty and often have young kids over, so it would be good to know how he handles being around them. We have on older lab Cody who would be happy to show him the ropes, and ease his introduction to Bear (the kitty). Camping, hiking, and playing in the pool are our favorite things.
