Sunday, August 2, 2015

Peace, Love and Belly Rubs

I drove Red out to his first meet n greet today and it wore him out!

P.S. - he rides great in the car! (In this pic he's trying to wheedle more treats out of me with those cute brown eyes! He knows I always have some on me when I take him places)

Ryan and I took a short trip this weekend, so we haven't posted an update about his progress in a few days and just wanted to check-in with everyone!

Redmond is settling into a home very nicely! We have been keeping him out of his crate during the day, and he is very trustworthy! Of course, we keep the counters clean because we are still working on not counter-surfing; but Red knows he is only supposed to chew on his toys and not any of the shoes foster dad leaves out!

He is as curious as ever, and is very alert to any movement and wants to be by your side everywhere you go!

Also, BIG update here - we have mastered the art of getting our belly rubbed!

We will check-in later this weeks with more pictures and updates. If anyone has questions feel free to post them in the comments and Ryan or I will answer them as best we can!

For anyone who is interested in adopting and is not already an approved adopter, fill out the forms on the Heart of Texas Lab Rescue website and we can get you set up to meet Redmond (or one of the other pups)!


  1. Replies
    1. Lindsay,

      He hasn't been around any kids (or cats) since we have had him, so I can't give you firm answer either way. He is very excitable and may knock younger children over accidentally. I would also be cautious with him and younger kiddos with food, since he is so food-motivated (just with little hands being so close to mouth-level for him, not any kind of food aggression). What age range are you curious about? I would think he would do best with kids 8+. A meet and greet with all family members is required before he can be adopted though.

      I'm sorry I can't give you a more solid answer, but I hope this helps!

      (P.S. I'm sorry if you get notified about this twice, I was having some weird connection issues!)

  2. Thanks, that helps a lot! My girls are 3.5 and 6.

  3. Lindsay, I would still encourage you and your family to meet Redmond! He is a gentle boy, but might require a little extra supervision while getting used to the rules of a new house. I really do think he would do well with a family given the chance..unfortunately, since I don't have any kiddos myself, he doesn't get that chance in our household! :)

  4. I appreciate that very much. We can't stop looking at his photos, he looks like such a sweet boy! I tried to submit an application on the HOTLR website, but got a strange error message. I was using an iPad, so I will try again using a PC. I really appreciate the information you've provided. Thank you for being so responsive!

    1. Hey Lindsay - I just wanted to check in with you and see if you were able to get an application submitted? If you need any assistance please let me know and I can get you in touch with one of our volunteer-coordinators or you can always call the hotline (512) 259-5810 and leave a message for more help! I hope you all are still keeping an eye on Redmond and all the wonderful dogs at HOTLR :)
