Soooo I forgot to add photos of Redmond as promised - but here are some new ones!
So stick with me here for a minute, because I got some 'splanin to do. After the meet and greet this weekend I'm feeling a little discouraged. Not in Redmond or HOTLR or anything. It's just that Redmond is so excitable that he isn't showing his true colors at these meetings. It's hard to meet this dog that is crazy energetic who doesn't need your constant attention and you still fall in love with him. I get it, I really do. But how I like to see it is that he is just SO EXCITED to meet you he can't contain himself and the only way he can express it is showing you how much he loves tennis balls. FYI, tennis balls in "Redmond world" are like hitting the jackpot.
This picture to the right here ------>
That's what Redmond looked like for the rest of the afternoon when we got home from the meeting. He was pooped from showing you all how happy he is to see you! He also looks like this come 10:30 at night when it's bed time. And when you don't have time to play ball, he will settle nicely at your feet and wait until you are ready to play, or love on him, or whatever else you feel like. He just wants to be there with you.
In the picture directly above he's showing off his smile after he got in trouble for trying to jump in the shower with foster mom....did we mention he loves bath-time? (Clearly he's scared of me and my disciplinary actions...I mean...c'mon, that face.)
In the picture below (everyone meet Ryan!) Redmond is showing off his snuggle skills, which are improving daily. He was showing off his belly but I moved and he wanted to know what I was up to - silly me!
And in this last picture, Redmond and Scout are protecting me from the ferocious mailman. Or the UPS delivery guy, I can't remember. Red is a lover, not a fighter, but he will let you know when someone is at the door. He is a mildly vocal guy, not what I would call a barker, but he lets me know when someone is walking in front of the house or at the door (of course I have a chain link fence so they have a pretty good idea of what's going on in the front-yard space.
I'm still getting the hang of this whole "blog" thing so sorry for the awkward layout!
Don't quote me on this but I believe the next meet and greet Redmond is scheduled to attend is in two (ish) weeks, SOOOO between now and then get your HOTLR application filled out (let me know when you do so I can get it on high priority ;] ) and let's get you out here to meet this fellow!
As always, holla at your girl (I really should edit myself before I say these things...) if you have any questions or comments about Redmond or Heart of Texas.
And go follow us on our brand new INSTAGRAM (@HOTLabRescue)
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